The WebHR system is the online platform CRS employees use to upload employment documents and to request and track employee leave benefits.
WebHR Leave Tracking
WebHR is a web-based leave tracking system Court Reporting Services will be using to track leave balances in realtime. This means the leave balances showing on your system will be what you have available to use. It will always be up-to-date.
The video below will help you get started. We also have written instructions if you prefer.
We will add more FAQs as we receive them.
Do we still need to fill out paper leave requests and/or timesheets and submit them to our supervisors? If your supervisor still wants them, you will continue submitting paper requests. However, we hope to eventually remove the need for paper. All full-time salaried employees will be assumed present unless it is a paid leave day or a holiday. If your leave requires documentation (a physician's statement for extended sick leave) you will upload as an attachment on the leave request.
Can I print my Leaves Summary from WebHR? While we intended to save on paper by doing leave requests and circuit reports online, we understand paper is still more comfortable for some people. We have added a reports component (the pie chart in the top menu) for employees to access two timesheet reports. One is the Leaves report which will show you all leaves in the system for you during a specified timeframe. The other is the Date Wise Leave Quota report which will show you something very similar to the Leaves Summary on the home page. You will need to add Leave Type as a field on the report before you generate the report.
Do I need to enter my daily attendance? It is not required for our office (unless you are part-time or per diem), but if your circuit needs daily attendance records, WebHR is an easier way to keep track instead of paper. You can even clock in from your phone.
What is the domain needed to sign in on the mobile app? It's "ilcrs" (which is for IL Court Reporting Services)